Saturday, October 27, 2012

Stay or Surrender

{Jeremiah 21}

Death or life. Polar opposites. Obvious choice, right…?

You would think so.

“I set before you the way of life, and the way of death.”*

Surrender and you will live. Stay and you will die.

Why then do so many die?

Because they choose to remain within the familiar and comfortable. 
The city, though it be their undug grave, is all they’ve ever known… 
It holds a certain amount of security. 

To surrender to an unknown army, and unknown future is downright frightening. 
It is directly disregarding everything that has been ingrained in them since birth.

And so they stay…

Yet only in surrender is there life.

Then why do we shy away from surrender, from risking all we’ve ever known, from leaving the familiar and embracing uncertainty with the eye of faith?
Why are we content to remain within the comfort of our walls, forgetting that to stay means death?
Why do we cling to the chains which hold us fast when the gift of freedom is dangling above our heads?

Because in the familiar is a sense of security.

But that’s just the devil’s lie to keep you in bondage until you rest in the grave.
Risk yourself by pushing open the city walls and surrendering.

For only in surrender is there life…

*{Jeremiah 21:8}


  1. Amen! The Lord wants us to step out of our comfort zone, and come to the point that we will want to live His way, not ours!

  2. Absolutely right.
    Surrender is based on trust.
    There is nobody else who we can trust more than God.
